A Lyrical Exploration Of Addiction And Escape

Swimming Pools Drank: Kendrick Lamar's Ode to Self-Medication

A Lyrical Exploration of Addiction and Escape

The German Translation

Kendrick Lamar's 2013 hit song, "Swimming Pools (Drank)," has garnered widespread acclaim for its poignant and evocative depiction of addiction and escapism. The song's raw lyrics have resonated deeply with listeners around the world, and its German translation captures the essence of Lamar's message with remarkable fidelity.

Pour Up Drank

The chorus of the song, "Pour up drank head shot drank/Sit down drank stand up drank," sets the stage for Lamar's exploration of substance abuse. The repetitive refrain creates a monotonous rhythm that reflects the cycle of addiction, where the need for escape is insatiable.

Pass Out, Wake Up, Drank

The verses delve into the consequences of Lamar's self-medication. He describes passing out, only to wake up and immediately turn to drink again. The relentless cycle of intoxication and withdrawal leaves him emotionally numb and disconnected from reality.


As the song reaches its climax, Lamar paints a vivid picture of his loneliness and despair: "I'm faded off the Hennessy/Mirrored by my enemies/The only person I see." The combination of alcohol and isolation amplifies his self-destructive tendencies.


Kendrick Lamar's "Swimming Pools Drank" is a powerful and unflinching examination of addiction. The German translation preserves the song's raw intensity and emotional depth, providing non-English speakers with an opportunity to experience the artist's profound message. Lamar's lyrics offer a cautionary tale about the allure and devastating consequences of self-medication, leaving a lasting impression on listeners.

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